
I am here. I am present.

When life gets complicated,
When there’s a distraction at every turn
And I feel overwhelmed,
Why add a further layer on top 
of an already full load?

I am here.  I am present.
That’s the only moment that counts.
I can embody that space.

I can feel love, connection, and gratitude
Only when I am in the present moment.

Sometimes I forget what’s so profound and simple.

But I am willing to learn and re-learn
To live this one precious life
In the present moment.


All Hallows Eve

Out of the darkness
the dead walk
among the living.
The veil is thin and ripe.
So the line between the two
worlds is easily crossed

It’s a wonder to see
If I open my mind 
and see what lies
before me in the
present moment.

We dress the part
so that the living
may take part
in the sacred dance
to the edges
of the horizon
and to new shores.

Palm in palm we walk
in the dark
exploring with a flashlight.

Will we be surprised
at who crosses our path?

Will we recognize 
the familiar behind
the mask and the costume?

Will we run and
tremble with fear?

Can I hold the line
and be a safe haven
for the lonely and the scared?

For one day we will have to
take the one-way pilgrimage 
to the other side
and follow the well-grooved
path to see where it leads.

Tonight we pretend
that we are walking
among what is unreal
now made real and tangible.

A valley that is easily crossed
for those who open their minds
and their hearts 
and accept what lies before them
Even through a dark and scary night.

Can I accept and allow change into my heart?

When I resist with all my might,
My energy and attention
Can get swept away.
I no longer feel grounded.
I have lost my connection
To mindfulness,
To this present moment.

And it feels like
A contradiction
To my intention
To go with the flow.
Maybe it’s because
I am aware that the
Friction of change
Is so strongly felt.

Of course, I may get
Lost in the struggle,
In the will to be right,
And to brush up against
What I’d like things to be
Versus the reality.

It is a mighty struggle
And one I encounter almost daily.
I am faced with a choice.
Do I paddle upstream
Against the current
And all which is out of my control?

Do I want to expend all that
Wasted energy and effort
At the cost of missing
The present moment,
The only moment that really counts?

This is the flow that I intend to embody.
I won’t always get it right.
I’ll forget and fall into the habit of struggle.
That is the beauty of life.
We are presented with countless opportunities
To wake up, to pause.
And where there is awareness,
Acceptance is possible.


Life is meant to be enjoyed
And so are our things.

Saving them with the tags still on
Or in a box
Diminishes their value and ours.

I used to think something was too nice
Or too fancy to actually use.
But that’s a fallacy.

To get the most juice, to feel the most alive
Is to embody the present and
Use, wear, or consume our things

Before it expires,
Before fashion trends change,
Before my interests evolve
Or I forget I have it.

So today I light my beautiful new moon
Crystal-infused candle
Because carpe diem.


I open the window of my heart

I accept the ever changing season.
The pendulum swings
From extreme heat to bitter cold.

I accept that among the cosmos 
The entire planet is smaller than
The dot in the letter i

I matter.  I belong here.
I walk the earth gently.
I smile upon those I greet
On this shared path.

I accept that this moment
is fleeting.
It always is.
And then the next.

I allow myself to fully accept
that which is out of my control.
I cannot make the icy wind chill go away
Nor stop the tide from crashing onto the shore.

And since the earth is but a dot,
My comings and goings hardly go noticed
And I accept that too.

My very existence means the world
To my family and friends
And that I do not take for granted.

When I feel surrounded by love
For myself and others
I open the window of my heart
And let love in.

Inspired by:
“Close your eyes and open the window of your heart.
Only when you have no more need for acceptance
will everything you do be accepted.” RUMI


The ever changing thoughts
That flow to and fro
Like the incoming tide.
Sometimes the current is strong
And I get pulled under
Stuck in thought.

Good or bad
Time ceases to exist:
My current circumstance,
The coffee beside me,
The very breath itself.
I am consumed in thought.

What I encounter 
then is a choice.
Moment to moment
I can stop the monkey mind,
the hamster wheel
and I can break free.
I can return
to the ever present
changing moment.

The breath is my anchor.
It flashes into my conscious mind
And I find a silent reverie
Befriended by my own
Groundedness and strength.
I encounter the moment
Again and again.

The thoughts change.
The steadiness of my breath changes.
The moment is ever changing.
I can choose right now
to swallow the bitter pill
of being lost
and consumed by thought.

Or I can smile
and breathe
Knowing the choice
was always mine
and I am free.
shared stories

Each season

Each Season has a reason
A root cause
A call to Mother Earth
An honoring of nature’s rhythms.
I, too, can play a role
in this delicate dance.

A celebration with
Its own unique beauty
Its own story to tell
An expression of emotion
of life itself.
And all the stages
One not better than the other
All necessary and
Interdependent on each other.

Humans throughout time
Have heard the call
and took their rightful place
at the helm
at Mother Nature’s feet
Ruffling her skirts,
Smoothing the sheets
One role not more prestigious
than another.
All needed
in sharing the honor
of her presence.

Greeting her
at each stage
Arms open wide
Accepting the gifts
and the lessons
To make way for
Growth and space
For it all to take place
Side by side
Hand in hand
Guided to her 
Beauty and sorrow
Each day a change to begin anew.

Five ways of looking at the breath

Deep, slow rhythmic pace
It grounds me.
It takes me out of my thinking mind
and I embody the present moment
and smile.

A sense of control
I can hold my breath.
I can lengthen my exhales
more than my inhales.
I can whistle.
I can sigh.
I can sing
and even make myself yawn.

Tight and constrictive
In those moments of anxiety or hurt,
my breath is shallow and tight
like a sharp pain in my chest.
When I try to take a deep breath,
I feel my chest constrict and tighten
like a sob about to break free.

All living beings on this planet breathe
be it with lungs or gills.
We all enter this world and
take our first breath.
We laugh and cry together.
We can chant OM.
We can sing a melodic tune.

Conduit to peace
When I remember that
I can control my breath,
I create the optimal route to peace
with just one breath.
I could argue with my words
or ruminate an imagined reply in my mind.
Or I can breathe and let it be.


What is but a moment in time?

What is but a moment in time? 
This precise moment to be exact. 
When the child smiles and runs through the grass. 
When the old folks rock on their rockers. 
When the mouths of the hungry, the sad, the oppressed, the joyful all open wide in reply.

It is frozen in time.
For just a moment.
Then it is gone.

It can never return or be what once was. 
The hunger, the anger, the weeping and the joy 
have all moved on too.

Like little rebirths and deaths, we go through the days. 
The events, the thoughts, the feelings are never exactly how they were just a moment ago that’s past.

Can we feel it? 
Can we express and not hide it or smile it away hoping the feeling will once again be buried?

It’s a shallow grave. 
A rug that’s become a mound of unfelt feeling. 
The rawness like a struck a nerve, although hidden, is quite easily stung. 
Sparked to right where the emotion began. 
Yet it may be stronger, expressed and felt differently, it needs to discharge.

Energy back to the earth. 
Back to the grassy edge, the hedges, the puddle, the cloud and the rain.

Then we can be truly free.
Free to be me and free to be you.
Not bogged down by weighty old emotions 
like baggage of lost voyagers that have long passed on 
and whose items have fallen out of fashion. 
Out of use.

We can have a rebirth each and every day 
with each inhale that fills our lungs 
with the fullness of life.

Heart Sky

When I am still and quiet my mind, 
I take a look up at the grand sky. 
If there are clouds they often take shape in my mind’s eye. 
There is a dragon with its pointed tail and craned long neck. 
There is a bird with wings that seem to engulf and span across the whole sky above me. 
I feel so little like I’m a worm in the earth about to be gobbled up as prey. 
Then I see sea creatures. 
Mermaids dancing with their magical tails as fish clamber around to find their own space. 

I breathe deep. I try to share what I see.

My favorite times are when my mind is busy and away with thoughts and then I catch just a glimpse of the sky and the cloud is shaped like a heart.

Finding hearts randomly around nature is my symbol. 
I’m always grateful of the reminder that I am love and loved 
whether it’s the cloud up above like a large heartbeat in the sky 
or the dried up and grayed gum on the sidewalk that shares a similar shape 
or the lotion just pumped onto my palm. 
And the heart makes me smile and pause for just a brief moment. That’s all it takes really.

Though the clouds and heart shapes may disappear, the image is contained in my mind and my heart. 
I am grateful. Alive. I am not so small. 
When I am present with the sky or the sidewalk, 
I am in awe and connected to the universal magic that is always surrounding us.
Heart Sky