
“Make of yourself a light”


What illuminates a star?


The coolness of night

The coolness of night
Blankets the earth while I slumber.
It sparkles with life
When it bathes in the morning light.

How did it get there?

Where dreamers dream
It took a rest
Leaving only its cool mist
As evidence in the morning.

Soon evaporated and vanished.
A distant memory
On the tip of your tongue.
Unsure if it was real
Or just a dream.

Shadow and Light

To know what’s behind the shadow
I must stand in the light.
It may be uncomfortable
It may be out of my comfort zone.

It may feel out of sorts and confusing.
Only the light illuminates.
The truth can be too much,
Like too much sunlight without a shady spot.

The shadow is not always a scary corner.
A dark place can be healing.
A cozy cave, a reprieve from the spotlight.
A space to regain and meet myself again.

In the beginning, the womb was dark and was all I knew.
Then there was a bright light.
The world was born as I knew it.

Spring is nature’s green light.
A signal that we can go if we want.
We can emerge from the shadow into the light.

The days march on, allowing in that knowing sun.
The butterfly emerges from the chrysalis
Transformed in a safe cocoon
And the world was reborn into flight.

My feet touch the newly green grass
That has grown in that warm sunshine
And takes reprieve in the shadow of night
Knowing that the light will greet it once more.
And the greenery will grow
more lush and fresh
All due to the bright rays above.


The blank page is my refuge (part 2)

The blank canvas
The blank page
The clutter-free desk
The cleared-off cooking space.

The beginning of something not yet created.
The infinite potential
The spark of creativity or action.
To create something
And fill up that space with something new
That never existed.

And that’s why I return 
again and again
to the page:
To a clean space,
To make/create something.

It is the meaning of life.
If we are all creative,
It’s the perfect medium to create.
I can set the tone of my day,
Which sets the tone of my
Creative, connected life.

On full moons,
I always have vivid dreams
And creative insight.
I capture it here.

The page holds all of my fears
And creative dreams.
It makes my creativity a reality.

It is a give and take.
A creative relationship
That I take action toward
And life works.

It works for me.
I feel light
And in a mastery of my life.


Step out of the darkness and into the light

Step out of the darkness and into the light.
I am here with you.
Fear can make you feel small.
And like a seed without enough space to grow,
Your potential cannot fully bloom.

Step out of the darkness and into the light.
Your authentic voice and story need to be told.
Liberate yourself from the binds that hold you back.
I am here with you.

Do not look outside yourself for validation of
Who you were meant to be.
It is safe to shine your light.

Give yourself permission to bloom.
It was always yours for the taking.
Step out of the darkness and into the light.


Fun is whimsical.
Fun is carefree.
Fun is joy and glee.

I used to think fun
was just a happy circumstance.
I didn’t know I had to
Actively seek it out.

Excavating through
the trudgery of adulthood,
I discovered that life is not
Just what I do.

It’s how I want to be.
Like a flame on a candle.
Once the wick is lit,
The fuming spark of
Oxygen that created the flame.

It ignites.

The light of joy.
The heat of glee.
To feel carefree,
Just being me.

A Story

A single candle illuminates the window.
The darkened pane dazzles in the light.
What is behind the darkness?

Ever mysterious and profound.
I imagine what lies out of sight.
Whose lives dream and weep
Behind the darkened window?

The truth does not matter.

I am inspired for having dreamed a little.
The imagined lives outside myself
have lit an internal spark.

An inspiration of what it means
To live.
And I reflect on my own full life.


I marvel at the light

At winter solstice 
darkness dominates the days
And light seems
to fade shortly
after its arrival.
I marvel at the light.

At the sunrise
The neighbor’s chimney smoke
Graceful and floating
Like a dancer in the sky.

The sunset
that takes my breath away
And I linger to look
A little longer.
I marvel at the light.
Everything seems aglow
Orange and burning
Then quick pinks and purple
Gone in a flash.

Over and over again.
I marvel at the light.
I surprise myself
And take it all in.

Darkness may seem to
Envelope and surround.
And the bitter chill 
Nips at my nose.
The light that appears
is just a little bit brighter,
a little bit more alive.
I marvel at the light.

We take in the light
and create our own
Be it holiday lights
Or candlelight.
This little light 
I hold in my hand
It warms our hearts
Through and to
The brighter days ahead.

A Million Stars

Whether outside for my daily walk by the river or relaxing by the lake, I bask in the light. If I pause long enough, I see the stars floating and shimmering. A sparkle on the water‘s surface. How I marvel that our sun, too, is a star in its own right. And right here on the still water, the sun is broken into a million stars for all those who gaze upon its reflection. A star right in the middle of the day!

What story does each little flying fireball have? Where is it in its journey as it travels through the galaxy through the great expanse?

It has a life force of its own. A lifecycle of birth and death. Even though the end may be many lifetimes away, as I feel my own ending so far away. My mind can’t fathom an end to my existence.

My smile is bright like its own star. I have a light inside that longs to be bright. Yet afraid to lose too much light, as if there’s a limited supply. My life force too is a cycle and I honor it by appreciating each day as a gift. A wonderful opportunity to learn, to be, to connect, to create.

The world is my oyster who sinks and scurries around at a speed unknown and unseen to the naked eye. The scallop and barnacle have a mystery and story of their own too. The light reflects down to the shallow sea and they marvel and delight in its rays as do I with my bare toes scrunched into the smooth cool sand. I am earthing and unearthing myself like the bird scuttering and flipping over each dead shell on the ground looking for completion.